Popular Movies of Tom Hanks


Tom Hanks has transformed himself from the party dude of Bachelor Party to the romantic lead of Sleepless in Seattle to the war hero of Saving Private Ryan to the six different characters he plays, amusingly, in Cloud Atlas.

With over 80 acting credits to his name, it’s hard to choose the best Tom Hanks titles. Today we take a look at the best Tom Hanks movies…

5. Apollo 13 (1995)

There is a chance that, if you haven’t seen this Best Picture nominee in a while, all you remember of it is Hanks’s Jim Lovell saying, “Houston, we have a problem.” Go back and watch Apollo 13 and you’ll see Hanks eschewing the flash of his then-recent Oscar-winning portrayals for a no-nonsense turn as a mission commander who is bound and determined to keep his crew (Bill Paxton, Kevin Bacon) focused as they and Mission Control figure out how to get their crippled vessel home. This is a performance that’s easy to shortchange, but Hanks imbues it with endlessly stirring, stripped-down authority. He makes not losing your shit in the midst of a crisis feel heroic.