Popular Movies of Tom Hanks


Tom Hanks has transformed himself from the party dude of Bachelor Party to the romantic lead of Sleepless in Seattle to the war hero of Saving Private Ryan to the six different characters he plays, amusingly, in Cloud Atlas.

With over 80 acting credits to his name, it’s hard to choose the best Tom Hanks titles. Today we take a look at the best Tom Hanks movies…

2. Captain Phillips (2013)

Hanks’s terrified, vulnerable turn as the eponymous Captain Phillips is another prime example of his ordinary men in extraordinary circumstances.* Hanks’s Phillips is a good captain but also a flawed one, and one who is constantly adjusting to events that are entirely out of his control. He does his best just to stay alive, but when the ordeal is finally over and he is able to take stock, he breaks down in the most raw, wrenching scene of Hanks’s whole career. It’s a measured, calculated performance that builds to a moment of almost overwhelming power.