Popular Movies of Tom Hanks


Tom Hanks has transformed himself from the party dude of Bachelor Party to the romantic lead of Sleepless in Seattle to the war hero of Saving Private Ryan to the six different characters he plays, amusingly, in Cloud Atlas.

With over 80 acting credits to his name, it’s hard to choose the best Tom Hanks titles. Today we take a look at the best Tom Hanks movies…

46. The Circle (2017)

How Dave Eggers’s smart novel about technology got turned into this total mess of a movie remains a little baffling two years after its release. James Ponsoldt is a smart director who would seem to have a natural affinity to this material, the cast is once-in-a-lifetime great (Emma Watson! John Boyega! Patton Oswalt! Bill Paxton’s last role!), and the time would seem right for a good hard look at what exactly the human tolls of massive corporate tech really are. Unfortunately, the movie is a fiasco from the start, confused, disorganized, and often nonsensical; this one just appears to have gotten away from Ponsoldt. Hanks could have been a perfect fit as the supposedly wise, benevolent Steve Jobs–type character who is secretly a supervillain, but the movie can’t focus enough on him to let him do much more than make a couple of speeches and then sneer lightly when he gets his comeuppance. It’s a shame: This would have been a great Tom Hanks bad guy performance if the movie had just let it happen.