Tag: Monica Bellucci Gallery

Gallery of Monica Bellucci’s Beauty Over the Years

Take a look back at some of Monica Bellucci’s most memorable beauty looks. 1985 Having begun her career as a model, the Italian siren later became...

What does Monica Bellucci like?

Here you can find answers to questions that Monica Bellucci likes, doesn't like, loves and hates. This UNIQ exclusive interview is for Monica Bellucci fans! Q&A The...

The 100 Best Photos of Monica Bellucci

She has been a regular fixture on the covers of fashion magazines and at international film festivals. UNIQ presents Monica Bellucci’s best photos of all...

Monica Bellucci’s Little Known Beautiful Looks

Monica Bellucci doesn't look like anyone except herself, which is one of the reasons she's the most famous woman in the world. See below for...

Monica Bellucci Shares Her Secrets

The Italian star, who began her career as a 13-year-old model, has remained an evergreen presence on the international cinematic landscape. From starring in...