The 20 Best Monica Bellucci Movies of All Time

The Italian star, who began her career as a 13-year-old model, has remained an evergreen presence on the international cinematic landscape.
Here the most popular movies of Monica Bellucci…

8. Asterix and Obelix Meet Cleopatra (2002)

The superheros of 50 B.C., Asterix (Christian Clavier) and Obelix (Gérard Depardieu), are called to Egypt to help an architect, Edifis (Jamel Debbouze), win a bet for Cleopatra (Monica Bellucci). Defending the greatness of her people, Cleopatra has told Julius Caesar that she will erect a great palace for him within three months. Then she tells her architect that, if he does not make the schedule, he is going to be fed to the crocodiles. Asterix and Obelix do their best to keep him alive.