40 Best Sci-Fi Movies of the Last 10 Years


With the rapid development of cinema technologies and science, we watch movies that are getting more and more perfect. It is very difficult to choose the best science fiction film because new productions are quite successful.

In recent years, we have compiled the best 40 science fiction films of the last 10 years that push the boundaries with their subjects and visual qualities without giving spoilers according to the date order for the followers of Uniq Beauties.

We recommend that you watch all films, especially those who like to watch good movies and especially fantastic & science fiction fans.

Here the list of best future concept fantastic & sci-fi movies….

19. Edge of Tomorrow (2014)

Starring Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt is a US-made science fiction action film based on the Border of Tomorrow, titled All You Need Is Kill, directed by Doug Liman and published in 2004 by Hiroshi Sakurazaka.


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