Popular Movies of Tom Hanks


Tom Hanks has transformed himself from the party dude of Bachelor Party to the romantic lead of Sleepless in Seattle to the war hero of Saving Private Ryan to the six different characters he plays, amusingly, in Cloud Atlas.

With over 80 acting credits to his name, it’s hard to choose the best Tom Hanks titles. Today we take a look at the best Tom Hanks movies…

6. Big (1988)

This was the one that made everybody realize: Oh, Hanks isn’t just a comedy guy, he could maybe be the biggest movie star in the world. As the boy who gets his wish to be big, Hanks gives a glorious, hilarious, and sweet performance as a 12-year-old in a grown-up’s body. He’s limber and wild and untethered — it’s one of his best physical comedy performances — but he never lets you forget there’s a scared little kid in there. Hanks didn’t win Best Actor* for this performance, even though the movie was a huge hit, which was seen by many at the time as a sign that comedy was never going to be given a break by the Academy. Nevertheless, this performance is guaranteed to bring a smile to your face.