Top 10 Fastest Animals in the World


They are the fastest animals on earth. Some animals are perfectly designed to be the ultimate speed machines, is that at the speed of 320 kilometers an hour, it can fight luxury sports cars.

And you thought you knew everything about all the animals? Well, not really!

Many animals can go much faster than we can some of them predatory. What is the fastest animal on earth? Let’s find out.

Here are the 10 fastest animals in the world…

7. Lion

Unfortunately for the gazelle, blue wildebeest, the lion’s fastest speed almost exactly matches. Lions can chase down their prey at around 80kph (50mph) per hour, making them extremely deadly predators on the plains. For all of their roaring, growling, and ferociousness, lions are family animals and truly social in their own communities. They usually live in groups of 15 or more animals called prides. Prides can be as small as 3 or as big as 40 animals. In a pride, lions hunt prey, raise cubs, and defend their territory together. In prides the females do most of the hunting and cub rearing. A male’s loud roar, usually heard after sunset, can carry for as far as five miles (eight kilometers). The roar warns off intruders and helps round up stray members of the pride.


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