Pornhub Premium Now Free For Everyone To Encourage You To Stay Home

In these difficult times, Pornhub is making a heroic effort to get people to do their duty for humanity and stay indoors.

After rolling out free Pornhub Premium subscriptions across Italy, Spain, and France, the adult entertainment site is now making the service free worldwide.

Pornhub Premium – which allows users to unlock select content – will be freely available until April 23, offering a novel incentive to stay at home with the curtains firmly drawn.

As of March 24, Pornhub patrons can sign up at the site’s ‘StayHome’ landing page and enjoy premium content for an entire month.

Vice President of Pornhub Corey Price said:

With nearly one billion people in lockdown across the world because of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s important that we lend a hand and provide them with an enjoyable way to pass the time.

We hope by expanding our offer of free Pornhub Premium worldwide, people have an extra incentive to stay home and flatten the curve.

Admirably, this isn’t the only contribution Pornhub has made towards the ongoing effort to flatten the curve.

For the month of April, the raunchy company will be offering 85% of their video sales – through both Pornhub and Modelhub – to performers whose livelihoods have been affected by the pandemic.

On top of this, Pornhub will be donating $25,000 to the Sex Workers Outreach Project, supporting workers with relief funding during what has proven to be a very difficult time for the industry.

Beyond sex work, Pornhub has also made generous donations of surgical masks to a number of organisations.

The site is donating 15,000 surgical masks to emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and paramedics at the New York City Fire Department (FDNY), as well as 15,000 surgical masks to New York City’s Uniformed Firefighters Association Local 94.

In addition, the company will be donating 20,000 surgical masks to New York-based Mount Sinai South Nassau, as well as €50,000 to various European organisations so that they might purchase surgical masks.

Joe Calderone, Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications & Development at Mount Sinai, said:

We very much appreciate the offer from Pornhub to donate 20,000 surgical masks to help protect our healthcare workers and patients at Mount Sinai South Nassau during the COVID-19 crisis.

These masks are mission critical in the fight against the COVID pandemic.

A very big well done to Pornhub for doing its part. If only all companies could show the same sort of innovative generosity.


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