It is estimated that more than 450,000 plant species in the world is estimated to exist and some of our homes are one of the best ways to add a little color and life.
However, some of these plants may come with the risks you will not realize. In relation to that, we looked more closely to the 7 common plants and we met interesting facts.

These plants have become more and more popular recently, and there are a few reasons why — they’re small, inexpensive, and easy to work with. However, there’s a chance that they can become infested with these tiny insects called mealybugs. If you miss them, they will end up becoming a problem because they easily spread to other plants and are incredibly hard to get rid of.
6Nerium Oleander

Also known as oleander, this innocent-looking plant with beautiful flowers is, in fact, extremely poisonous. It is definitely not recommended to keep one inside your home, and it’s also best to stay at arm’s length if you happen to pass by it outside.
5Juniper Bonsai Tree

If you like trees, you might be tempted to get a bonsai. But before doing so, it’s good to be mindful of what kind of bonsai you’re getting. Since juniper bonsai trees are from the same speciesas mountain junipers, they can cause allergy symptoms such as nasal congestion and watery eyes.

Also known as dumb cane, these plants are easy to grow and take care of, making them quite popular beginner plants. But if you have any pets, this is unfortunately not the plant for you. According to the Pet Poison Helpline, these plants contain calcium oxalate which is poisonous to cats and dogs.

Most commonly known as angel wings or elephant ears, these plants are not a good fit for our homes. Just like dumb canes, they are considered toxic to pets and humans.
2Weeping Fig

Ficus Benjamina, also known as the ficus tree, is another common houseplant that can cause several issues, especially if you have asthma or are allergic to latex. Their waxy leaves can collect lots of dust, and because there are high concentrations of latex in this plant, it can trigger a latex allergy.
1Areca Palms

Also referred to as golden cane palm, yellow palm, or butterfly palm, and known for giving interiors a somewhat tropical vibe — you should be aware that this plant, in particular, is quite prone to housing unwanted pests like spider mites and mealybugs.
Which of this kind of plant types is in your home? Has the plants you have hurt you or any other living things around you?